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Location: Tomball, Texas, United States

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kings Orchard

I took the boys to pick strawberries at Kings Orchard, we had a wonderful time. They had a "bumper" crop this year so there were so many juicy ripe red strawberries to choose from. Yummo! You can see by Adam's face how much he enjoyed this outing! He couldn't wait to get them home to wash them, I think he ate most of the berries he picked-not many made it into the basket from him!

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MAC Award Ceremony

Dillon had his end of the year award cermony with his swimming club, Future Swimmer Adam had a blast jumping to Daddy! Dillon & his buddy Blake enjoyed having the place to enjoy outside of swim practice. Also, the high dive was a huge hit, even their coach went off the high dive and splashed the kids below!

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