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Location: Tomball, Texas, United States

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Summer 2009

This summer was a great one for us even though we had a little bump in the road (notice Adam's cast). Dillon swam in Summer League again this year, 6 weeks of bleary eyed 6am Saturdays. Worth it in the end though, he always has fun in Summer League. In June, the kids & I went to a friends neighborhood pool to swim and paint Henna. While we were there, Adam was in the pool not five minutes, I had him sunscreened up, lifejacket on, and low and behold, he climbs up onto a water fountain, has the flukiest fall and busts open his knee. It was a very bad cut, I would've added that picture, but its not for the faint at heart. Fortunately there was a ER not one minute away, my friend Alva held him in her lap while I sped over there.
He got 10 stitches in his knee. About a week later we realized he actually
broke his kneecap and had to get a peg-leg true pirate like cast on for 5 and
a half weeks. He couldn't decide between all the colors so they let him have
We took a trip to see Andy & Renee and baby Andrea (ok, I know she's 3
now but she'll probably always be Baby Andrea to me) and Mr. Grant.
These kids are so precious, such good kids, great dispositions, even if I
say so myself as a bragging aunt. The four of them get along so well,
its non stop fun with all of them. Dillon enjoys carrying Grant around. I
think the funniest part of our trip was when after a whole weekend of non stop playing, Sunday morning an episode of Dora the Explorer came on. Dillon must have been a bit too loud because Baby Andrea turns to him and says "Be Quiet Dillon! Dora is on!". The boys and I rolled over laughing. Wish these guys lived closer to us. :(

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